The first story is of ice...
The shadow-monger dragged itself forwards in shrugs. It was a writhe of tentacles coiling around each other, groping the air then shrinking back. The cloud boy hunched over and pressed his face against the glass, so close Lucy could see his feathery lashes. She watched a tentacle of darkness like a living shadow pour over the boy's shoulder and wrap itself around his neck. Then with one quick sudden tug, the shadow-monger pulled the cloud boy back and smothered him in darkness. The next instant, Lucy found herself staring at blank blue sky.
After a year of endless rain, cities are flooded; families are living on rooftops. Called into a world above the clouds, Lucy stumbles across a strange society of injustice, weird beauty, and danger. With a few odd companions, Lucy must travel across Cloudland and face the seemingly impenetrable force of Kazia, the ice queen, in a bid to stop the world from drowning and the dawning of an Age of Ice.
Called into the clouds to face an icy enemy, will Lucy ever find her way home?
Lisa Gorton writes essays, poems and reviews for journals and newspapers including The Age, The Australian Book Review and HEAT. Her first poetry collection, Press Release, was released by Giramondo last year. Lisa is a Rhodes Scholar with a Doctorate in Renaissance English Literature from Oxford University. Cloudland is her first novel.
Pub. Date:
Children's: General Fiction
Pan Australia
192 page/s
Out of print
$14.99 AUD