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Horses Never Lie About Love
Harris, Jana


Horses Never Lie About Love
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The heartwarming story of a remarkable horse who changed the world around her

When Jana Harris first laid eyes on a beautiful mare named True Colors, something about her and the way she guarded her foal spoke to Harris.

But when True Colors was delivered to Harris' ranch three months later, she was unrecognizable. She had gone feral, run away, and been recaptured. Terrified of people, she was head-shy from the infected sores on her face and sensed demons hiding in everything from the scent of fabric softener on clothes to a gate in a fence.

But there were glimmers of hope: The other horses fell in love with her on sight, just as Harris had. And true to her name and herself, True Colors would never pretend to be something she was not; with her wise, intuitive nature, she would end up changing the lives of everyone she encountered, animal and human.

Horses Never Lie About Love is the story of this remarkable horse and the revelations about life and love that she gave Harris over the course of their decades together. There is a famous horseman's saying: A horse never lies about pain. But maybe we should also consider: A horse never lies about love.

Author Information

Jana Harris is an award-winning poet, novelist, short story writer, and creative writing teacher. Twice nominated for the Pulitzer Prize and a finalist for the PEN West Center Book Award, Harris won a Pushcart Prize for poetry in 2001. Her writing consistently attracts attention at the highest level. She now lives with her husband in the foothills of the Cascade Mountains, where they raise horses.

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Pub. Date:


Pan Australia

288 page/s

Out of print

$24.99 AUD

All titles by Harris, Jana

Horses Never Lie About Love

Horses Never Lie About Love
Harris, Jana
P/B, A$24.99, OP