A riveting thriller that appropriates the beauty and savagery of classical Rome and plays it off against the corruption and sleaze of the present day. Beware the Ides of March...
When a young woman turns up dead in a peat bog, Teresa Lupo, a maverick pathologist, thinks she's got the victim of an ancient Roman ritual on her hands. She's wrong. Leo Falcone, the chief inspector, knows this case is recent history and the horror is still very much alive.
So begins an investigation that will take the police deep into the dark underworld of modern day Rome's most disturbing and sinister secrets.
Nic Costa is trying to stay off the drink. Gianni Peroni used to work vice until he was caught in one of his own department's stings. Emile Neri, the Boss, can't trust his own son and Vergil Wallis, the American ex-crook, is refusing to talk. Meanwhile, someone is trying very hard to kill the pathologist. And now another beautiful young woman has gone missing...
David Hewson was born in Yorkshire in 1953. He was a journalist from the age of seventeen, working most recently for the Sunday Times. In addition to travel books, he has written a number of novels including nine titles in the Detective Nic Costa series set mostly in Rome. The author lives in Kent.
Pub. Date:
Crime & Mystery
320 page/s
Out of print
$19.95 AUD