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Changing Yesterday
McMullen, Sean


Changing Yesterday
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It's 1901, and Battle Commander Liore has travelled back in time to stop a war that will rage for over a hundred years. But time itself is against her. Whenever she changes history, a new beginning to the war emerges and the world once again teeters on the brink of disaster.

To make matters worse, Barry the Bag has stolen Liore's plasma rifle, the most dangerous weapon in the world. The owner is on his trail, and she doesn't take prisoners.

Can anything prevent Liore from risking the world's future for the sake of revenge?

Author Information

Sean McMullen is one of Australia's leading SF and fantasy authors, with fifteen books and sixty stories published, for which he has won over a dozen awards. His most recent novels are and The Time Engine (2008), The Iron Warlock (2010) and Before the Storm (2007). In the late 1990s he established himself in the American market, and his work has been translated into Polish, French, Japanese and other languages. The settings for Sean's work range from the Roman Empire, through Medieval Europe, to cities of the
distant future. His work is a mixture of romance, invention and adventure, while populated by dynamic, strange and often hilarious characters.

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Pub. Date:

Children's: Science Fiction

Ford Street Publishing

375 page/s

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$19.95 AUD

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Before the Storm

Before the Storm
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Changing Yesterday

Changing Yesterday
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