Fully revised with up-to-the-minute information, the bestselling and comprehensive Australian bible for expectant parents, Birth, provides practical, up-to-date, accurate and research-based information, on everything relating to preconception, pregnancy, childbirth and early parenting.
Co-written by a midwife and a childbirth educator, with over 35 years collective experience in working closely with women and their families, this invaluable resource is an essential for every prospective parent.
Birth: The essential guide to conceiving, nurturing and giving birth to your baby, is reader-friendly, reassuring, unbiased and accessible to a wide readership. It presents medical treatments and natural therapies, the many physical changes of pregnancy, labour and birth and possible variations from "the norm". It dispels myths and addresses all the common concerns and endless worries of women, their partners and support people, as well as providing achievable support strategies. Many aspects of the book move into unchartered territories, such as the realistic management of labour pain, common emotional reactions that may be experienced on the journey to parenthood, relationship changes and challenges and how to survive these.
Catherine Price has spent much of her working life as a midwife. She still works casually in a Sydney birth centre, but now devotes much of her time running the www.birth.com.au website, with her business partner and close friend, Sandra Robinson. She is married and has two sons.
Sandra Robinson, has worked as a childbirth educator in Sydney since 1991. With the tireless help of her close friend of 25 years, Catherine Price, a business partnership and website were born. Sandra is married and has one daughter Alice, and two sons, Liam and Declan.
Pub. Date:
Advice On Parenting
Macmillan Australia
608 page/s
Out of print
$39.95 AUD