By working on self-esteem with the tools of mindfulness, this book offers readers the freedom to break out of unconscious thought habits which dictate unsatisfactory lives and to achieve real freedom and fulfilment.
Perhaps no other self-help topic has spawned so much advice and so many conflicting theories as self-esteem. It's like salt - a little gives flavour, strength and coherence to our personalities, while lack of it leads to an anodyne life of putting up with abusive situations or relationships, leading to depression and lack of fulfilment. On the other hand, too much self-esteem can create an unappealing sense of entitlement, pointing to the twisted paths and dark woods of narcissism. Using the concept of mindfulness, which has been defined as paying attention in a particular way, this book looks at the ongoing meditative practice required to gain the right balance of self-esteem in a flexible and effective way.
Deborah Ward is a journalist, writer and an editor for Taylor & Francis. She runs a psychology blog and writes for Psychology Today. She is the author of Overcoming Fear, Sheldon Press.
Pub. Date:
Self-Help / Practical Interests
120 page/s
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